Have you ever considered the universal kitchen design?

With the universal design, people of all ages and abilities will be able to effectively get around your kitchen and use it to its full potential. It will help you create a kitchen designed to your families changing needs over time and let it be convenient and accessible for everyone!
So what does it entail?
- Open storage and shelving so that anyone can find what they're looking for with low physical effort
- Flexibility: appliances that are designed for both right and left-handed use, and a design that can accommodate a wide range of individuals
- Contained hazardous elements- make sure cleaning supplies and other hazardous materials are out of reach of small children, this could mean safety locks or higher cabinets
- Pull-out storage: pull-out or roll-out shelves in cabinets make it easier to access items that could be located near the back of the space
- Lower dish storage: keeping dishes at a lower level will help make it easier when putting dishes away
- Size and shape: there should be wide turning space so that regardless of the users size or mobility they will be comfortable in the kitchen
- Natural light: make sure your kitchen has plenty of windows!
- Hardware: choose hardware on cabinetry that is easy for everyone to pull. Larger, D-shaped pulls are usually the easiest.
Using the universal design in your kitchen can make your space easier and more convenient for everyone!